Thanks TEEJAy for the site from Feb 14th.
My Daughter was born on Feb 14th.
early this morning i noticed a couple of racoons in my back yard searching for food.
there's a huge park/forest in my back yard.
i quietly opened the door and left some treats for them.
Thanks TEEJAy for the site from Feb 14th.
My Daughter was born on Feb 14th.
i've come to the conclusion that certain posters like.
comforter, bernd & other are just jw lurkers seraching for info to.
run back to their elders or the wts.
You guys are right. I should look at the bright side of their postings & be glad that I no longer think like they do.
amway, quixtar, and other mult-level marketing schemes vs. wts.. if there is anything an ex-jw cult member would recognize, it would be another cult!
i say that b/c my uncle is an 'hardcore' quixstar member (ibo) and the more i talk to him the more similarities i see btw quixtar and the borg.
of course he doesn't see quixtar being cult-like but to some one on the outside looking in the organizations mirror each other.
I haven't heard of them.
But has anybody heard of "ADVOCARE" products?
It sounds to me like it's Shaklee repackaged with a new name.
They are awful & pushy salespeople. Take a look at their web sites.
Kids who are in college, work part-time selling their products & make 1,500 US dollars every two weeks in profits.
early this morning i noticed a couple of racoons in my back yard searching for food.
there's a huge park/forest in my back yard.
i quietly opened the door and left some treats for them.
Early this morning I noticed a couple of racoons in my back yard searching for food. There's a huge park/forest in my back yard.
I quietly opened the door and left some treats for them. They came back & ate them then went on playing. (SO pretty!)
It's 7:00ish in the morning. It's pretty quiet. I can see lot of green tall trees, blue skies, & bits of sun shine rays. It's a perfect beautiful morning!
I just got an idea I will take a walk along the trail that leads to leads to the ocean (less than 1 miles)
Can you all share the things that you love in life & that make you smile real big?
ps. I live in the beautiful Northwest. I'm surrounded by pine trees, deciduos trees, raspberries (now), snow capped mountains ( 1 hour away) & the ocean, (sound that is).
Edited by - Cappuccino OC on 22 July 2002 10:21:54
i've come to the conclusion that certain posters like.
comforter, bernd & other are just jw lurkers seraching for info to.
run back to their elders or the wts.
I've come to the conclusion that certain posters like
comforter, Bernd & other are just JW lurkers seraching for info to
run back to their elders or the WTS. They want to be one step ahead of the game to know how to cover
their rear ends from obstructing information from the authorities regarding the pedophile investigations.
I will not give them the pleasure of reading their posts with their ilogic opinions that offer NO PROOF of
their TRVTH.
rosie is about 22 years old,has a younger brother jacob hernandez and father arturo.lori, angie and pattycake are looking for her with some good news$$$$!!.
I don't know her but do you guys know?
Araceli Urena?
Alex Urena?
Ana Urena? from Salinas Spanish?
How about the famous TRevino family?
& how about the Gonzalez (two Victors) both elders?
Do you guys know anyone from the Fresno, Madera Spanish congregations?
have you ever noticed how you seem to go from one mess to another?
without going into the details just yet....i have just spent the last 6 months getting my head together and getting back on my own two feet after leaving my husband and i have now managed to stop myself in my tracks and f**k up once again.
i dunno what to feeling pretty low and desperate at the moment and worst of all....lost.
A baby, fruit of your love is a blessing. Finanancially my grandmother would say, just add a little bit more water to the soup.
You're already DF so you don't have to worry about that. You're worrying about your ex? Did you have hopes of getting back together? Remember that you weren't happy with him. Free counseling is offered by many non-profit agencies. A professional migh help you sort out your feeelings.
I understand the whole thing about having kids from different men. I only have my husbands daughter. Someday I'll get married & hopefullly have another child. My daugher is 9 now. Your children will all grow up together.
Haven't you heard of Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones? Her husband, Michael is 2 years older than her dad & they have a 2 year old a baby boy, Dillon.
Tommy Motola, (Mariah Carey's ex-husband-Sony records CEO,) married Thalia a Mexican Soap Star & Singer. HE's in his mid 50's & shes's 20ish.
There's also Celine Dion & her hubby. They just had a baby.
If you love him age shouldn't matter.
What matters is that he loves you and that you'll all be happy family.
Try watching this Movie named "Camila". It's dubbed into english. IT's based on a true story from Argentina.
dear sirs, .
domain please note .
hans georg kolpak is a well known .
BERND, (burnt)
ME wiht your dirty porn sites!!!
dear sirs, .
domain please note .
hans georg kolpak is a well known .
Please block Bern. We don't need him advertising & adding links to porn web sites.
Thank you,
what did helen clark mp mean in this statement, did the wtbs spokesman admit to the 23,720 number while jr says, it is false.?
is this in the bbc panaroma transcript or did wtbs admit the number to the mp in a different letter?
the spokesman from headquarters (in the united states) said on the .
Why don't you get yourself a couple of airplane tickets & go read the actual court documents of these proceedings? Does the truth hurt? Not strong enough to handle it?
Do you personally know the pedophiles? Why don't you get announce to the whole world when you preach "I support JW pedophiles" You can paint hold up a sign saying, "contributions needed for world wide lawsuits".
Killer don't dirty Jehovah's name by pronouncing it. Jehovah will help the innocent children by empowering Brother Bill Bowen to go on with all of his hard work helping the children.